Thursday, February 2, 2012

Matt and Me

I had a little smackdown with Matt Reed this morning on “Bill Mick Live” – a talk radio show on WMMB. Matt is a regular guest and generally I find his opinions on things legit and not too over-the-top. This morning was different.

First, Matt was discussing a piece he had written regarding an interview with a national ACLU person. I had not read the piece when I heard the radio show, but Matt began this segment calling the ACLU “kind of liberal” and “non-partisan.”

The topic then segued to new rules in Florida that require a voter to show a picture ID before they can vote. Matt called this a “poll tax.”

I called into the show and called him on these comments. I said that there is a long history of the ACLU being liberal and partisan. I noted that I was driving and couldn’t back my claims at that moment, but would surely be able to if I had computer access. However, I will not waste my time with that now – as it is surely fact, not fiction that the ACLU predominantly sides with liberal causes.

Secondly, I noted that since we provide people without means with safety nets, we could certainly provide those without means with a picture ID so that voter identity could be assured. I hung up so Matt could respond.

Smarmily, Matt started by saying (I’m paraphrasing), “I’m not getting into that liberal/conservative nonsense because it is tired and old.” Well Matt, you brought it up in the first place. I was responding to your off-handed remark about the ACLU. If you’re tired of labeling – then stop the labeling.

You see, it is the classic liberal ploy to decry labeling liberal-ness. Conservatives know who they are and proudfully self-identify. Liberals or “progressives” (since they post-modernly changed their name) like to change the subject.

Then Matt went on to even more smarmily say (and I’m paraphrasing), “That guy (that would be me) is driving and on a cell phone so he has no idea what poor and old people go through to get a picture ID.”

Well, Matt this “guy” is a school teacher with a kid in college and a kid in braces. I certainly know what it is like to be on the short end of a paycheck. Secondly, my cell phone is a free one.

Another classic liberal ploy – attack your opponent instead of confronting the charge. The fact that I have a job and a car and a cell phone does not mean that I don’t understand the poor and the elderly. And it doesn’t change the argument that it would be very easy to provide low income and elderly people with free IDs so that they can vote.

Since my conservative “Opinion" doesn’t "Matter” anymore for Florida Today – it is not surprising that Matt Reed now feels free rein to castigate success and expose his liberal/progressive agenda whenever and wherever he can.

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